Throwing it way back to 2010. Oftentimes I meet readers (or receive emails/DMs) and their first comments are on what post they saw when they started following me. It is such a cool reminder of how long I have been doing this! A huge thank you to those of you out there who were some of the first to follow!
Question: Looking back, are there things you would have done differently when it comes to your site? Any Atlantic-Pacific regrets?
Answer: Overall I don’t have a ton of regrets. I still love the name Atlantic-Pacific, happy with the amount I have chosen to share, pleased that I have formed long term partnerships with such wonderful brands, and am glad I stayed disciplined and stuck to what I know best – fashion! One thing I wish I had tackled earlier was better planning for the long-term. There were quite a few shortcuts made when I was operating the site while working full time, simply due to the fact that I didn’t have the time or resources to really dive in. I operated the site more as a start-up with the mantra of “being early beats being better”. A few examples of this – I didn’t move the site off blogspot until the very end of 2016, didn’t really have any site navigation until a few years ago, and my picture archives are still a bit of a mess. I should have spent more time on some of the ‘behind the scenes’ things in order to make the day-to-day easier on me now, but hey that’s life. I’m glad I chose to put the brand and content first for my readers. It’s much easier to fix the operational pieces later!
Big news! Nordstrom now carries one of my favorite brands – reformation! I absolutely love the brand, but found their return policy to be a little tricky, so I am so excited Nordstrom picked them up!
“Humans, not places, make memories.” – Ama Ata Aidoo