Sorry for being a bit inactive over here on notepad. After a few weeks of non-stop travel, including a quick 48 hour jaunt to the west coast, I am back home in NYC! This post is from the end of summer from a few years back, and has me wishing the weather would finally turn in the northeast.
Question: Do you use self tanner products? If so, which do you recommend?
Answer: I don’t use heavy self tanners, but this time of year when I am looking for a bit of a glow I will use Jergens Natural Glow Lotion on my body and Dr. Dennis Gross Glow Pads on my face. Both give me just a little bit of the sunny boost that I need.
The perfect little spring-ready denim bow block heels!
“I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble.” – Rudyard Kipling