When it comes to finding really unique pieces that are also affordable, ASOS Edition is one of the best hidden gems. This post is one of my favorites of 2018.
Question: Have you ever thought of starting your own brand/line?
Answer: Yes, it has been on my mind for years! To start my own brand would be a total dream, but I would absolutely want to do it in the right way and not cut corners. Having been in the industry for so long, I know exactly how challenging the business can be, and just how difficult it is to find the right team and partners who believe in your long term goals and vision. So the short answer is that I am still thinking about it! With that being said, keep an eye out as I working on something really exciting for fall!
Another gorgeous and fun ASOS Edition dress, this time in yellow, and this time, on sale!
“Home is not where you live but where they understand you.” – Christian Morgenstern