Finally posting my NYE outfit! Shoes: Marni via The Real Real // Pants: 16Arlington (sold out but love these, these, these and these) // Coat: Cinc A Sept (old) // Earrings: Jennifer Behr // Bag: L’alingi
The start of the new year means it’s time to reflect on 2022 and think about hopes for 2023. I have to admit, I am pretty bad about this. While the new year invigorates so many, it tends to overwhelm me. This year I have decided to center on one goal for each area of my life by focusing in on one key word for each category. Simple – and hopefully effective! In the past I have focused on goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), but decided this year to try a more broad approach with purpose.
Experiment. In 2023 I want to focus on trying new creative endeavors. After running Atlantic-Pacific for 13 years (times flies!!) I want to get outside my comfort zone with new mediums and not be afraid to wade into unchartered waters. It is less about setting financial goals or hitting numbers for me this year and more about pushing myself creatively, be it creating new types of content, or something completely different.
Consistency. This is the word I have chosen for my health goal. I want to exercise 3 days per week. This past year I was either exercising everyday for long stretches or not at all. 3 days is satisfactory without being unrealistic. I find when I set goals that are too lofty I am easily discouraged and tend to give up way too quickly.
Intentional. I need to learn to be more intentional with time, especially on the internet. I find myself mindlessly doom-scrolling and falling into black holes when my time could be used much more wisely. This habit is especially bad at night when I could be reading or sleeping instead of mindless clicking around on social media. I am going to set more boundaries about when I am on my phone, especially at night and when I first wake up each morning.
Initiate. My friend posted this article yesterday about the power of an 8 minute phone call and I loved it. Sometimes we all feel too busy, too tired, too whatever, to reach out. My goal is to touch base more often with friends and not to wait for the moments when I can carve out a whole hour to talk. I can find little moments each week to connect.
Curiosity. I want to engage a lot more in learning this year. The past two years I focused on getting back into reading (I went from reading zero books to reading over 25 each year) and this year I want to focus on learning a brand new skill, hopefully something that is completely unrelated to my work. I am spending this weekend sitting down to narrow down to one area – as I have a handful of ideas on my list but want to simplify and focus on one. I also want to take more local classes that are fun but informative (I just went to this cheese class – it was a lovely night out but I also walked away having learned something new about cheese). Over the years I have embraced that learning doesn’t necessarily have to always be about deep, serious topics, but rather can be more lighthearted in nature, while still expanding the mind.